Blog — Ice Cream
Korea’s Tallest Ice Cream is Coming to Malaysia?
Love ice cream? So do we! Soon, we will meet each other in line to wait for the famous dessert from Myeongdong! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s the famous swirl parfait from Seoul and it’s 3 times the size of a regular ice cream, 32cm to be exact.

A photo of the soon-to-be-opened shop was released on Facebook by 我爱大马美食 I Love Malaysian Food. Luckily for us, it is their...
Chicken? Ice Cream? Which one is it?!?!
Do you remember when replacing everything with cake was a popular meme? Today, it isn’t quite a meme because people are actually interested in it. Today, we have a mouth-watering classic disguised as something completely different from its category to fool us! Do you know what is it?

If you guessed fried chicken, you are absolutely right! However, it is actually a delicious ice cream treat! If you are interested too, it is the...