Blog — Food
myBurgerLab is giving a free COVID-19 test?
Does this look too good to be true? Well, it’s not. They promised to pay for your swab test if you dined in their Bangsar branch between the 15th to the 21st of February 2021. This was sparked by 2 unfortunate cases recorded at their restaurant despite following the government's Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

They released a statement on the 2nd of February 2021, that their employees were sent to conduct a swab test and 2 individuals came back positive....
Chicken? Ice Cream? Which one is it?!?!
Do you remember when replacing everything with cake was a popular meme? Today, it isn’t quite a meme because people are actually interested in it. Today, we have a mouth-watering classic disguised as something completely different from its category to fool us! Do you know what is it?

If you guessed fried chicken, you are absolutely right! However, it is actually a delicious ice cream treat! If you are interested too, it is the...