How Christmas Is Celebrated In These 4 Asian Countries

1. Japan 

(Image: KFC Japan)

A traditional Christmas meal in Japan stars a fast food favourite, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). This is similar to how American families have roasted turkey during Thanksgiving. During Christmas, KFC is in such high demand that bookings for orders will be made up to a month before the actual celebration! Who knew!

2. China


A very small population of China actually celebrate Christmas the conventional way. Many Chinese celebrate the holiday by giving out apples to their loved ones. This is because Christmas Eve in Chinese is ‘ping’an ye’ which translates to ‘peaceful’ or ‘quiet’. The same meaning can be derived from the chinese word for apple, ‘ping guo’ which can sound like ‘peace’.

3. Philippines 

(Image: WhyChristmas)

The Philippines has the largest population of Christians in all of Asia, with 80% of their people being Catholic. It is obvious that the festivities are celebrated on a large scale there. The formal Christmas celebrations start on 16th December when many people go to the first of nine pre-dawn or early morning masses. They also decorate their homes with a ‘parol’ which is a lantern made from bamboo strips and coloured Japanese paper, meant to represent the star that appeared on the first Christmas and the victory of light over darkness.

4. Malaysia

(Image: Malaysia Now)

The Christmas holiday is not widely celebrated in Malaysia so if you are expecting fireworks and carolling then you might catch sight of some but not on a large scale. Christmas is only celebrated during Christmas Eve and Christmas day itself. While the Christians will spend the day in church service, most Malaysians celebrate it as a commercial holiday to party and shop.

Any celebration anywhere will be a great celebration regardless. Why not try some of the trends from our Asian neighbours? KFC chicken sounds good for any day!

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